In celebration of Safer Internet Day 2024 for Children, and as mandated by R.A. 11930 or the Anti-OSAEC and CSAEM law the Department of Education via the Learner Rights and Protection Office has launched the initiative called “Anti-OSAEC and CSAEM classroom-based sessions”. This aims to empower our learners to have increased resiliency against the growing crime of “Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children”. This is done via the conduct of short classroom-based sessions for each key stage, delivered by their class advisers. Complete presentation decks with accompanying guide scripts are provided, as well additional information for the teacher to prepare for the session is provided via this guide.
Safer Internet Day 2024
Thank you for taking on the crucial responsibility of delivering the anti-OSAEC and CSAEM session. Your role in educating and raising awareness on this important topic is instrumental in creating a safer online environment for our learners. To ensure the effective and safe of your presentation.
See More Details and Collaterals for Safer Internet Day 2024, click here.
Although you are provided with ready to use presentation decks, complete with slide scripts, we highly encourage you to modify the deck to suit your learners (if needed). However, you must ensure that no information is omitted from the slides as these contain crucial content on the issue which our learners need to know. One can explore other pedagogical approaches to deliver the content of the presentation deck.