DepEd “Teacher Read-Aloud” Logo, Guidelines and Reading Materials

DepEd Teacher Read-Aloud is a component of the National Learning Recovery Program. This program is stipulated in DO 013, s. 2023 initiatives provide opportunities to enhance learners’ academic performance, particularly the low proficiency levels in reading based on national and international large-scale assessments. This reading intervention results from the 2022 PISA Result where the country ranked poorly in reading and Mathematics.

National Learning Recovery Program in the Catch-Up Fridays began with the DEAR or “Drop Everything and Read” theme implemented last month. In February, the Department of Education (DepEd) focused on the Teacher Read-Aloud theme which this post will give you a brief introduction and essential materials. In this strategy, the choice of books for enjoyment shall be accorded to the learners. Teachers may recommend books that align with learners’ existing interests, preferences, and contexts, or introduce learners to new topics or genres that they enjoy.

In this Teacher Read-Aloud strategy, teachers will need reliable and easy-to-use learning materials like short stories, animated storybooks, and different literature. For that, our eLibrary will be a good place to download such materials. The Alapan 1 ES eLibrary had more than 2000 learning resources and 20 percent of those materials are purposely made for reading.

DepEd Teacher Read-Aloud Logo, Guidelines, and Reading Materials

We prepared the links for our collection of reading materials for Drop Everything and Read (DEAR). You might also need to download its logo and implementing guidelines.

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Drop Everything and Read (DEAR) MaterialsLink
Teacher Read-Aloud LogoDownload
Teacher Read-Aloud GuidelinesDownload
Teacher Read-Aloud Reading MaterialsDownload

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