School Calendar 2024-2025 (DepEd Order 009 s. 2024)

The Department of Education always adhere to the paramount importance of health and safety of its teachers and learners. Thus, in its planned activities for the upcoming school year focuses on the flexibility in implementing learning process. DepEd released the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2024-2025 to enable schools and community learning centers (CLCs) to effectively and efficiently implement school activities and maximize instructional time. Further, the School Calendar for SY 2024-2025 recognizes the inevitability of unforeseen circumstances, such as disasters, emergencies, and other crises that disrupt the school operation. In such instances, further directives shall be issued to adjust the school calendar, accordingly, ensuring minimal disruption in the educational process.

In accordance with Republic Act (RA) No. 7797, also known as An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days, as amended by RA 11480, An Act Amending Section 3 of Republic Act No. 7797, which provides that the school year shall start on the first Monday of June but not later than the last day of August, the SY 2024-2025 shall formally open on Monday, July 29, 2024, and end on Tuesday, April 15, 2025, including the Midyear Break and End-of-School Year (EOSY) Rites.

Learning Delivery Modalities for SY 2024-2025

The Department of Education mandates that the in-person learning will remain as primary learning modality in all schools, given the crucial role in enabling in-depth and real-time teacher and learner interaction. However, private schools may continue to implement Blended Learning Delivery Modality (BLDM) (see DepEd Order 44 s. 2022).

Furthermore, in the event of an official declaration by authorized agencies or offices, regarding suspension or cancellation of in-person classes due to disasters and emergencies, schools shall transition to Blended Learning Delivery Modality. This is to ensure the safety of learners and school personnel. During such circumstances, teachers shall be required to provided home learning tasks that are suited to specific needs of learners.

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Important Dates in School Calendar 2024-2025

The School Year 2024-2025 includes the following important dates for different activities of the Department of Education, private schools may follow this calendar.

July 22-26, 2024Oplan Balik Eskwela and Brigada Eskwela
July 29, 2024Beginning of the School Year (BOSY)
August 21, 2024Ninoy Aquino Day
August 26, 2024National Heroes Day
August, 2024 (TBA)NCAE, NAT Grade 10 and PEPT
September 5, 2024National Teacher’s Month
September 23 and 24, 2024First Academic Quarter Examination
September, 2024 (TBA)Comprehensive Reading and Literacy Assessment, PhilIRI,
Rapid Mathematics Assessment, Career Guidance,
and Administration of Multi-factored Assessment Tool
November 1, 2024All Saints Day (Special Non-Working)
November 25-29, 2024Midyear Break
December 2 and 3, 2024Second Academic Quarter Examination
December 8, 2024Feast of Immaculate Conception Day (Special Non-Working)
December 21, 2024Start of Christmas Break
December 30, 2024Rizal Day
January 25, 2025Start of Early Registration for Kindergarten, Grade 1, 7 and 11
January, 2025 (TBA)NATGrade 12, PEPT and Accreditation and Equivalency Test
February 7 and 10, 2025Third Academic Quarter Examination
March, 2025 (TBA)NAT Grade 6 and ELLNA
April 9, 2025The Day of Valor
April 7 and 8, 2025Fourth Academic Quarter Examination
April 14 and 15, 2025End of School Year (EOSY)
May, 2025 (TBA)National Learning Camp
June 16, 2025Opening of School Year 2025-2026

Full Copy of School Calendar 2024-2025

Download the full copy of DepEd Order 9 s. 2024 “Implementing Guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2024-2025“, click here.

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